Looking for voices? we'll find them


New Artist

Bruce Langley

Bruce is an incredibly talented and versatile actor. He already has a vast number of stage, film and television roles under his belt ranging from drama to comedy. He’s perfect if you’re looking for a versatile actor.

  • Male
  • 18-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-45
  • Heightened RP
  • Irish Northern
  • Irish Northern
  • London
  • New York
  • Standard English R P
  • Standard U S

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Dean Kelly

Native Northern, Dean’s voice is reassuring, friendly, conversational and extremely versatile. Experienced in all areas of voice over work.

  • Male
  • 25-35
  • 35-45
  • 45-55
  • Birmingham
  • Cockney
  • Essex
  • Irish Northern
  • Lancashire
  • Liverpool
  • London
  • Manchester
  • Newcastle (Geordie)
  • Northern
  • Scots
  • Standard English R P
  • Welsh
  • Yorkshire

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Laurence Owen

Laurence has a characterful and versatile voice, naturally RP

  • Male
  • 25-35
  • 35-45
  • Standard English R P

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3 artists found.